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MiSelect R Rare Cell Diagnostics platform

Capture, stain, and acquire fluorescent multiplexed high-dimensional images of rare cells.

Starting from whole blood.

Down to a single live cell.

Characterize the target cells with 7 markers or run an expanded Boost panel for up to 13 markers.


Brief Introduction

The use of whole blood, in combination with MiSelect's fully automatedprocess from cell selection, to antibody labeling, to fluorescence imaging.ensures that sample loss is minimized and results are reproducible. Ourgentle process and integrated instrument provide consistent access toisolated live rare cells such as CTCs, and immune cells. The flexibility anddownstream compatibility of our output improves the way pharmaceuticacompanies screen for drug effectiveness, and allows researchers to findnew correlations in biomarker expression.

Our unique imaging software transforms immune-cell studies from theanalysis of individual data points to a fully quantitative visual subtyping ofeach cell.

Characterize the target cells with 7 markers or run an expanded Boost panel for up to 13 markers


>2x higher cell detection than Flow Cytometry


Product Principles

We have spent over a decade innovating tools that can consistently capture, image, and deliver living rare cells for downstream analysis. The best of microfluidic design, laser sorting, and fluorescence imaging technology is integrated into our system. What truly sets MiCareo apart is our combination of unique technologies to minimize sample preparation and preserve cell integrity in an automated instrument.

The MiSelect R System is able to process large samples rapidly and yet preserve cell integrity thanks to a technique we developed called ensemble-decision aliquot ranking (eDAR). Instead of treating the whole blood sample as equal, eDAR breaks it down into nanoliter aliquots; only those aliquots containing target cells receive closer investigation.

eDar in action

The process begins by labeling whole blood with a surface antibody, or a cocktail of multiple antibodies.

Fluorescently labeled blood enters through the inlet  and flows continuously through the laser light. When eDAR detects the presence of target cells, it triggers the sorting of the aliquot into a separate chamber for further purification and analysis . The rest of the sample flows into the waste chamber .

On-Chip filtration

In the SelectChip Dual, as the aliquots containing the target cells are collected, on-chip filtration removes blood cells, especially RBCs, and the remaining cells are ready for staining and imaging.

If a non-imaging analysis method is preferred, such as sequencing, the cells can be collected in a microcentrifuge tube with high purity.

Integrated reagent staining

As part of the MiSelect R System's automated process, isolated cells are incubated with preloaded antibodies directly in the chip and imaged at 7 different wavelengths. In order to accommodate a wider range of research needs, a second round of reagent staining and imaging allows for the analysis of up to 13 biomarkers on each cell.

Live cell retrieval

For those who need to take cell analysis even further we developed the SelectChip Retrieval cartridge.  Using this cartridge, rare cells can be purified to even higher levels and output directly into a microcentrifuge tube for downstream analysis such as RNA transcription profiles, DNA mutations, and phenotypic studies.

Cell image analysis

The high resolution images captured by the MiSelect R can be analyzed and reviewed using the bundled software. Cells can be grouped using quantitative measurements of their fluorescent biomarkers, as well as morphological features, such as nuclear size.

Analyzed cells can be used to generate reports on the different numbers and subtypes of cells in the sample.


Product Characteristics

1. Attain automated and reproducible results

Confidently get the same resultsindependent of operator. The MiSelect RSystem consistently achieves over90% recovery efficiency with less than10% variation.

2. Capture key biomarker info quickly

Process two samples of whole bloodwith only 10 minutes of hands on prep.and complete the automatedimaging of the rare target cells within a fewhours. Up to 7, or even 13 biomarkers, can be characterized on the samecell allowing for finer cellular classification and faster biomarker discovery.

3. Obtain more than genomic information

Our technology preserves theintegrity of isolated cells, affording access tothe complete range of genomic as well as cellular information.

4. Go beyond CTCs

Rare Immune Cells

The MiSelect R isolates rare immune cells more successfully than FACSand the multiplexed high-dimensional images provide quantitative subtyping using markers such as PD1,CTLA-4, TGFb, LAG-3, TIM-3, CD4, and CD8.

Other Rare Cells

Research auto-reactive T cells, lymphoblastic cells, fetal cells, cancer stemcells or other rare cells with your own selective cell surface markers.

Application Fields

  • Detection of Low Biomarker Cancer Cell

  • HER2 Status Profiling on CTCs

  • PD-L1 Expression Analysis

  • Rare Immune Cell Analysis for Immunotherapy

  • Single CTC and Tumor Cell Analysis

  • CTCs Analysis in Colorectal Cancer

  • Rare Immune Cell Analysis for  Immunotherapy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

  • Single Cell & EGFR Mutation Analysis in NSCLC


1、Detection and analysis of various rare cells

Detection and analysis of all kinds of rare cells: circulating tumor cells (CTCs), vascular endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), fetal red blood cells (nRBC), immune T cells, immune B cells, natural killer cells (NK cells), CAR T cells, etc


2、Study of tumor-immune cell interaction

Study of tumor-immune cell interaction


3、Cancer diagnosis

Cancer diagnosis:CTCs are used in the diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer and the detection of HER2


4、Cancer efficacy monitoring

Cancer efficacy monitoring: CTCs detection for prognostic prediction of colorectal cancer and liver cancer


5、Immunotherapy efficacy monitoring

Immunotherapy efficacy monitoring:Rare immune cells predict survival of immunotherapy patients



MiSelect R Introduction video-1

MiSelect R Introduction video-2



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